Meet the Artist & Creative Director
Janelle has been involved in creative pursuits her whole life coupled with her over 3 years of professional experience within the wedding inustry she’s gained extensive experience within numerous areas of the wedding industry. From wedding and event design, and coordination, to choreography, to floral arranging, to bridal and bridesmaids’ couture, photography, and to makeup artistry.
She is also taking her last few classes for her undergraduate degree from Ryerson University in Creative Industries (CI) from which she will receive a BA. Highly regarded, yet still relatively unknown, the program which the first of its kind in North America, offers interdisciplinary studies with a focus on creative business and entrepreneurship. She has studied the creative process in varying creative sectors extensively, as well as design thinking, and has ultimately refined her artistic eye. Janelle has specialized in communication studies and acting and dance studies while pursuing a minor in law.
Janelle is charismatic, always learning about diverse things, and she’s a creative Macguyver. She is passionate about always making a meaningful connection with each client, and making each experience stress free, personal, and fun.